
Showing posts from November, 2020

Be Safe, Be Prepared

            The Philippines is a country prone to natural disasters. This is due to its geographical location which is near the equator or the Typhoon Belt and along the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean, where typhoons, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes mostly occur.      Over the decades, the Philippines has experienced major earthquakes that caused widespread destruction and disruption in affected communities. Since earthquakes are sudden and unexpected, the best approach is to plan ahead, create comprehensive full-scale emergency plans and implement drills to instill in the minds of the people the correct procedures to be followed during the actual occurrence.          As a result, the National Risk Reduction and Management Council leads and encourages people to practice safety protocols and precautions and participate in emergency drills such as the Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill that aims to strengthen and intensify local communities'

The Quest for Quality Education

  The world is adjusting to a new reality that was unimaginable a few months ago. Our lives cannot go back to the normal that we were used to; we have to constantly cope and adapt with new ways of living for as long as this pandemic persists. This, couple with continued disruptions and other matters. One of the most devastating challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought upon the world is the disruption on education system that affects billions of learners, thus, leaving the future of school uncertain. This pandemic is the root cause as to why the educational sector persists to struggle in this grave disposition. Correspondingly, political leaders around the world implement school closures to contain further spread of the Coronavirus. In like manner, the normal face-to-face classes, which is the most effective and accessible mode for the majority, is no longer available for the public in order to assure the safety of students and teachers. To ensure education continuity, the gove

A Step Towards National Resilience

                       Every year, the Philippines face devastating losses caused by natural disasters including catastrophic typhoons, tremendous earthquakes and other hazards coupled with their associated consequences that have massive impacts on the nation's communities, economy, infrastructure and environment. As of the moment, the Philippines, as well as other countries, continue to battle the challenges and struggles brought by the novel Coronavirus.                   The current COVID-19 pandemic emphasizes the need for the Philippines to devote more effort to anticipatory governance, notably through well-established and cooperative emergency management and reconstruction and development of future-proof policies and legislation that serves both current needs and longer-term aspirations of Filipino citizens.                The transformation of a country toward sustainability and resilience involves many aspects. It is a complex process that deals with prevention, mitigation