A Step Towards National Resilience


            Every year, the Philippines face devastating losses caused by natural disasters including catastrophic typhoons, tremendous earthquakes and other hazards coupled with their associated consequences that have massive impacts on the nation's communities, economy, infrastructure and environment. As of the moment, the Philippines, as well as other countries, continue to battle the challenges and struggles brought by the novel Coronavirus.

               The current COVID-19 pandemic emphasizes the need for the Philippines to devote more effort to anticipatory governance, notably through well-established and cooperative emergency management and reconstruction and development of future-proof policies and legislation that serves both current needs and longer-term aspirations of Filipino citizens.

            The transformation of a country toward sustainability and resilience involves many aspects. It is a complex process that deals with prevention, mitigation and disaster risk reduction strategies, development of emergency and disaster protocols and contingency plans to ensure the safety and welfare of the people while protecting livelihood, infrastructure and the environment. In addition, the Philippine government should obtain a strategic foresight aiming to identify emerging challenges and opportunities for the betterment of the country’s future decisions regarding on political, social or economic issues nationwide and around the world.

             Generally, building national resilience enables the country to develop comprehensive full-scale mechanisms for protection that aims to expand traditional preparedness approach by encouraging actions that build preparedness while also promoting unity within and among communities to enhance the Philippines' capacity to withstand, adapt and recover from adversity.

             Given these points, the call for resilience requires integrated and coordinated national effort that encompasses shared responsibility for individuals, households, businesses, communities, as well as governments. Remember, a step towards national resilience starts with a powerful vision accompanied with strong will and passion.

“A great leader’s courage to fulfill his vision comes 

from passion, not position.” 

- John Maxwell

Multimedia Reference/s:

Retrieved from Pinterest. https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/702491241853222288/

Retrieved from Teresa Martinez. http://aletterwriter.com/open-letter-to-resilient-filipinos/

Retrieved from Lora Elena Angbue-Te. http://www.starsfordreams.com/the-filipino-spirit/


  1. I strongly agree to your opinion in building resilience indeed requires strong will and passion, a step towards coordination. And if we help one another, it will surely be the solution of any tragedies we face. Godbless!

  2. Such a great blog. Indeed, to fulffil national resiliency, we must all come together in solidarity and face the challenges ahead with a hindsight of what we wanted to achieve emulsified by our hearts of iron steel.


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