The Quest for Quality Education


The world is adjusting to a new reality that was unimaginable a few months ago. Our lives cannot go back to the normal that we were used to; we have to constantly cope and adapt with new ways of living for as long as this pandemic persists. This, couple with continued disruptions and other matters.

One of the most devastating challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought upon the world is the disruption on education system that affects billions of learners, thus, leaving the future of school uncertain. This pandemic is the root cause as to why the educational sector persists to struggle in this grave disposition.

Correspondingly, political leaders around the world implement school closures to contain further spread of the Coronavirus. In like manner, the normal face-to-face classes, which is the most effective and accessible mode for the majority, is no longer available for the public in order to assure the safety of students and teachers.

To ensure education continuity, the government has stimulated innovation within the education sector. These innovative approaches include radio and television broadcasts, take-home packages and online learning. But despite the many options to make education more accessible and inclusive during the so-called new normal, there are still many learners, especially from lower-socioeconomic strata and remote areas, that has decided to not return to school and are deprived of the quality education they deserve mainly due to lack of resources and access to such learning modalities.

The government must exert all efforts into accommodating unenrolled students into the system to ensure that no student is left behind. This means making the learning programs accessible to all including students from lower-socioeconomic strata and remote areas. It is the obligation of the government to prioritize education in budget allocation to fulfill, promote and protect the right to continue learning amid the pandemic.

            Quality education is imperative in today’s society as it is the foundation of the nation’s future. It is an absolute right of the people, thus, no student should be left behind in these trying times.


Image from Shutterstock. Retrieved from

Retrieved from Manila Bulletin.

Image by Jire Carreon. Retrieved from


  1. It is nice that you added and linked the sources where you gathered the different pieces of information because it helps me to access the de without difficulties and be able to read it. It is also easy to read, which is excellent. You did a great job, and your blog as a whole is good. Be safe and stay strong.

  2. The whole article was greatly constructed with reliable information, adequate quality and well-established. It is true that pandemic was devastating and a burden that destructs the education system. The cooperation of government an it's aspects should prioritize the quality, promote the accurate plans, fulfill the obligations and act precisely to continue and achieve the desired quality of education. I like the way you pointed views and deliver your veracious thoughts. Kudos!


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