Be Safe, Be Prepared


        The Philippines is a country prone to natural disasters. This is due to its geographical location which is near the equator or the Typhoon Belt and along the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean, where typhoons, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes mostly occur.

     Over the decades, the Philippines has experienced major earthquakes that caused widespread destruction and disruption in affected communities. Since earthquakes are sudden and unexpected, the best approach is to plan ahead, create comprehensive full-scale emergency plans and implement drills to instill in the minds of the people the correct procedures to be followed during the actual occurrence.

       As a result, the National Risk Reduction and Management Council leads and encourages people to practice safety protocols and precautions and participate in emergency drills such as the Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill that aims to strengthen and intensify local communities' earthquake preparedness and increase the commitment of local government units in building safe communities.

            Petra Nemcova once said, "We cannot stop natural disasters but we can arm ourselves with knowledge, so many lives wouldn't be lost if there was enough disaster preparedness". No one has control over the intensity and number of disastrous event that may happen in the country, it is always best to be prepared.

Multimedia Reference/s:

Don Rush, Delmarva Public Media (2017) Retrieved from

(2016) Image Retrieved from

USC (2017) Retrieved from


Office of Civil Defense (2020) Retrieved from

Loreen Lolita A. Cubero, Business Mirror (2016) Retrieved from


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Our country is prone of earthquakes, so we need to be prepared. Taking part of the simultaneous earthquake drill gives us the knowledge. Prepare now before it's too late. By the way I like your blog, it was great. God bless and keep safe.


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