

  Another quarter has passed and yet again, new knowledge has been acquired. At this point, I am not going to lie and sugarcoat anything. Fourth quarter was a total disaster. Out of all the quarters, this quarter is the most chaotic of them all. At first, I thought this quarter would be the same or even easier than the previous quarters since teachers give students less tasks to answer. However, with less workload per subject, comes multiple thematic projects for various subjects. Not to mention, students are also required to finish a complete research paper individually. It really sucks that such tasks that would normally take a group of people to accomplish will now be done by one person and with very limited time.  With all the backlogs, pending activities, and thematic projects, I almost had no time to eat, rest, and sleep. I do acknowledge that there may be enough time for me to finish all these tasks, and not being able to finish is just all in my head. However, the constant remi

Ecosystem Restoration is the Ideal Solution

  Forests are among the world's most diverse ecosystems. The vast majority of the world's terrestrial species may be found here. We have long taken our forests for granted, thinking that they are limitless in their potential to regulate climate, nurture biodiversity, provide clean water, and minimize natural disasters. We were mistaken. The moment to rescue forests is now. Our ecosystem and environment are no longer the same as they were before. The equilibrium of biological and physical systems has deteriorated as a result of human exploitation of the environment. On global scale, the unrelenting population growth, consumerism, and deforestation have severely hampered their capacity to support human populations and wildlife. Humans are at blame for the environmental imbalance. The world may be heading in a direction of growth but the price to pay is causing equal damage to our environment. We must restore our environment to its former state; otherwise, we would be unable t

Philippine Independence: A Treasured Milestone

  Every June 12th, the Filipino people celebrate the nation's freedom from hundreds of years of colonialism by celebrating a jubilant independence day. The official declaration of the Philippines’ independence is one of the most treasured milestones in our long history as Filipinos. Our sovereignty is priceless after centuries of being colonized by numerous nations. This day is more than simply a holiday; it is a day on which Filipinos commemorate the bravery and sacrifices of warriors and heroes who fought for our motherland. Their courage in the face of colonizers, as well as their devotion to free the nation, should be remembered by today's and future generations. Their heroic stories should serve as lessons for all citizens of this country.  Many of the Independence Day customs were hindered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Filipino communities, on the other hand, continued to celebrate their independence online. The national holiday honors Philippine history, liberty, and c

The Real Heroes

  The second Sunday in the month of May has been marked as Mother's Day to acknowledge the world’s mothers and mother figures for their efforts, sacrifices and influence in their family and in society. Every year, we dedicate this day to our great moms to honor their existence and significance in each of our lives.  Our mothers do everything for us, from feeding us to teaching us manners. They do everything they can to nurture and support us in every way they can. No other being on Earth can love us as unconditionally as our mothers do. There is no possible way that we can repay them for all their efforts and sacrifices. As a result, we dedicate this day to all mothers, to express our gratitude, appreciation, and love for them by preparing modest gifts, flower bouquets, meals, and even arranging events and vacations. Although showering our moms with presents is a wonderful gesture, nothing compares to tender hugs and kisses. In normal circumstances, we would be arranging Mother'

The Bigueno’s Adaptability

  The Binatbatan Festival of the Arts begins in the first week of May every year. This festival aims to raise awareness of the historic town’s heritage, in the hopes of strengthening the community's desire to maintain and preserve it. Its goal is to highlight the people who work in Vigan's agricultural industry and their contributions. Its popularity has boosted the whole northern tourism industry, bringing in tens of thousands of local and international travelers eager to explore and enjoy the "northern experience." Visitors are encouraged to experience the six-day Viva Vigan experience, which consists of the Calesa Parade, Santa Cruzan Parade, Abel Fashion Show, Carabao Painting and other exciting events. In this festivity, the focus is mostly on the products and merchandise of the town of Vigan.  Due to the pandemic and the alarming cases of COVID-19, outdoor activities involving large numbers of Bigeneos and tourists were halted in order to safeguard the Town&

Woman in Vigan: Inspiring and Empowered

  In the earlier centuries, women have suffered a great deal at the hands of men. The role of women was limited to housekeeping and childrearing. Women were stereotyped as reserved, shy, and submissive. Men were in command; they were the boss, and they were treated like gods. Asserting male dominance in all aspects of life, diminishing the role of women, as though they didn't exist. This stereotypical barrier divides and hinders equality for all genders. As the times passed, women realized their power. There on began the revolution for women empowerment and liberation. The people’s desire to eliminate all distinctions between men and women became stronger, resulting in revolutions and advocacies, creating women to become pioneers of change and therefore ensuing freedom and equality.   It is wonderful and fulfilling to see that women are finally receiving the rights they have long fought for, but there is still a long way to go. Acknowledging that men and women coexist in our

ICT: Season 3

  Another quarter has passed and yet again, new knowledge has been acquired. This quarter’s topic was fun at most but sometimes also quite difficult because it requires us to research and to know more about the community that we are included in. At first, I thought I already knew everything about our community but then our third quarter lesson made me realize that my knowledge about our community was just a scratch on its surface. There is so much things that I have learnt and so much more to discover. It also made me realize that conducting Community-based Research can give a great impact to the community and its people, it helps people understand how their local environments affects its population’s health, general well-being and so much more. The activities for this quarter has been purely intellectual, with all questions being open-ended and not the usual close-ended questions just like the previous quarters. Given that, it somehow makes it harder because it requires much more