ICT: Season 3


Another quarter has passed and yet again, new knowledge has been acquired. This quarter’s topic was fun at most but sometimes also quite difficult because it requires us to research and to know more about the community that we are included in.

At first, I thought I already knew everything about our community but then our third quarter lesson made me realize that my knowledge about our community was just a scratch on its surface. There is so much things that I have learnt and so much more to discover. It also made me realize that conducting Community-based Research can give a great impact to the community and its people, it helps people understand how their local environments affects its population’s health, general well-being and so much more.

The activities for this quarter has been purely intellectual, with all questions being open-ended and not the usual close-ended questions just like the previous quarters. Given that, it somehow makes it harder because it requires much more focus and critical thinking. Though at times it was difficult to come up with the right words to incorporate, the activities were still fun and it became like a somewhat brain exercise. Not to mention, it made me know and discover more about the community I live in.

Throughout the course of this quarter, I didn’t encounter much problems regarding the modules and in distance learning. However, in the last batch of modules, the instructions of the tasks to be answered were vague, unclear and sometimes misleading. This is very troublesome because I kept on delaying the tasks with instructions that I cannot understand, leading me to procrastinate.

Moving on, I have indeed learned a lot and I have yet more to conquer. I only hope that topics will not be overly complicated to understand, given the fact that students learn by ‘self-studying’ now. Nevertheless, I will continue to have a positive mindset and continue learning amid this pandemic.


Media Reference/s:

The IDM (2020) Retrieved from https://www.theidm.com/blog/introducing-modular-learning


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