The Real Heroes


The second Sunday in the month of May has been marked as Mother's Day to acknowledge the world’s mothers and mother figures for their efforts, sacrifices and influence in their family and in society. Every year, we dedicate this day to our great moms to honor their existence and significance in each of our lives. 

Our mothers do everything for us, from feeding us to teaching us manners. They do everything they can to nurture and support us in every way they can. No other being on Earth can love us as unconditionally as our mothers do. There is no possible way that we can repay them for all their efforts and sacrifices. As a result, we dedicate this day to all mothers, to express our gratitude, appreciation, and love for them by preparing modest gifts, flower bouquets, meals, and even arranging events and vacations. Although showering our moms with presents is a wonderful gesture, nothing compares to tender hugs and kisses.

In normal circumstances, we would be arranging Mother's Day events in restaurants, cafés, bars, or on vacations to show our mothers how much we appreciate and adore them, however, conditions changed this 2021. While we are bound within the walls of our homes, unable to leave, our creativity emerges. Breakfast in bed and candlelit dinners, movie nights and game nights, and so much more have all become new and great methods to celebrate this year’s Mother's Day.

As we ponder upon the notion of Mother's Day in depth, we will realize, as many others have, that every day should be a Mother's Day. Indeed, a single day celebration is insufficient to express gratitude to all the mothers in the world. Therefore, we as children must be more aware to this truth and be appreciative for it at all times.

Every day is Mother’s Day. Let's make sure we tell our mothers how much they mean to us. As children, we must love, care and respect our mothers. We must appreciate them for their selfless efforts and sacrifices.  

Image Reference/s:

Teen Vogue (2019) Retrieved from Anna Jarvis, The Creator of Mother's Day, Died Hating The Holiday She Created | Teen Vogue

Digital Agency Network (2020) Most Inspiring Mother's Day Campaign Ideas 2021

Hallmark (2021) Retrieved from Memorable and Meaningful Mother’s Day Quotes


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