A Safe Fiesta is a Happy Fiesta


        The Philippines is known around the world not only for its beautiful destinations and landmarks, but also for the locals' love to get together and celebrate. Every town in the Philippines, no matter how big or small, holds a fiesta in honor of their patron saint. Traditionally, fiestas are a time for joyful celebration for Filipinos, it is vibrant, big, and celebrated with a lot of excitement and thrill.


        The Vigan City fiesta is held annually every 25th of January. The fiesta commemorates the town’s patron saint, St. Paul the Apostle, with a parade, musical performances, beauty contests and cultural shows. Within the Vigan fiesta days, the longganisa festival is also celebrated highlighting the famous and unique longganisa of the Biguenos. There is also a carnival that kids, teenagers and even adults would be excited for. The Vigan City fiesta usually is a weeklong celebration. However, since COVID-19 plagued the world, all these celebrations and activities are then canceled in order to prevent the further spread of the virus and to protect the people.


        Fiestas are meant to be a coming together of people, an enchanting celebration. Biguenos might not have the grand town fiesta that we were all used to, but we still do acknowledge and celebrate it in our homes, in our own little ways. Right now, the best thing to do is to hope for the best for our fellow Biguenos and all the people around the world.

Media Reference/s:

Mojacko (2018) Retrieved from https://steemit.com/streetphotography/@mojacko/street-dance-longganisa-festival

Paradores (2017) Retrieved from https://vigan.paradores.ph/project/vigan-town-fiesta/ 

Vigan Online (2020) Retrieved from https://www.viganonline.com/editEntity.php?IdNumber=0000000121&Category=Credits&Name= 

Featuresdesk (ICG) (2020) Retrieved from http://journey.ph/vigan-boasts-its-special-longganisa-festival/ 

 Hello Travel (2020) Retrieved from https://www.hellotravel.com/events/longganisa-festival


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