Nature's Revenge


         I always remember the blue skies and clear waters, the breeze coming from tress and the lovely scenery given by blooming flowers. I remember all the nice and beautiful things that nature has bestowed upon us, humans. The environment constantly and continuously gives us countless benefits that we can't repay our entire life. There is no doubt that the environment has helped us and other living beings to flourish and grow for thousands of years. The forests and trees filter the air and absorb harmful gases. Plants purify water, reduce the chances of flood, the environment provides us enjoyment, inspiration and many more benefits that can greatly improve the quality of life.

        Now, those nice and beautiful things that once filled the Earth, gone. The blue skies turned into thick clouds of smoke. The cool breeze turned into suffocating heat. The forests, once lush and green, bustling with all types of life, reduced to burned land and ashes. Due to our carelessness and irresponsibility, the environment has raged upon us an irreversible problem, this is her revenge.

        Global warming is one of the biggest problems that our planet is facing, along with climate change. it is a threat to all living things on Earth. Global warming, like climate change, is a result of human practices. the rising emissions of greenhouse gases come primarily from burning fossil fuels and coal, cutting down forests and increasing livestock. All of these contribute to the accumulation of green house gases causing atmospheric heating and agitation, also increase the unpredictability of weather and climate, and dramatically increase the severity, scale and frequency of storms, droughts, wildfires and extreme temperatures.

        Mother Nature demands for change. We, humans have the power and capability of saving our planet, our home by taking small steps like planting trees, using biodegradable materials, stopping pollution and keeping our surroundings clean, we can help Mother Nature to breathe again and rejuvenate in the same way it helps us.

        The world needs changing but one person cannot fulfill this promise alone. We must strive to be a catalyst of change, as Mother Teresa once said, "I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone and create many ripples." We are all part of this and we must learn to fight for the future.    


Multimedia Reference/s:

David Biello (2007) Retrieved from

Richard Buden (2020) Retrieved from

Iberdrola (2020) Retrieved from


  1. Really well-thought of article you have there. I agree to all that you said. We have the duty and responsibility to care for our planet, lets not take our greed to be the downfall. The future generation lays in our hands. Have a nice day Pearl

  2. I agree, we must learn to fight for the future. I like how you explain the issue. Goob Job!


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