ICT: Season 1


    As this quarter pass, new knowledge has been acquired. In a world driven by digital and technological innovation, gaining knowledge and skills to keep up with these rapidly developing advancements is a must. Information and Communication Technology, often times called and popularly known as ICT, is a very interesting subject in the education curriculum and crucial for the modern world. ICT has an impact on almost every aspect of our lives - from working to socializing, learning to playing. The digital age has transformed the way young people communicate, access information and learn

        In ICT, there are so many topics and a lot of things we have learned about and are yet to be learned about. For instance, I have always used the internet, using social medias and surfing the web, almost everyday of my life but I never got the chance to understand the broadness and complexity of cyberspace. With the help of ICT, I learned the background and history of the internet. In addition, I also learned about the different search engines and search terms, before I only used one search engine and phrase searching was the only search term I knew. Now, I get to use more search engines and I get to search the web in a whole new style, like the Boolean logic, Pseudo-Boolean logic and term weighing. Moreover, I also learned more about telecommunications and their data rates. There are a lot more that I have learned but the best for me is the chance of creating our own blog. It was a really great experience and the skill of blogging can also be applied in our future.

        Everything is truly more difficult especially now that face-to-face classes are no longer available and advisable and all this is mainly due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. There may have been difficulties in understanding some lessons, difficulties in creating our blogs but with the help of technology, the internet and by a little research, those lessons were easily understood. I would also like to acknowledge and thank our hard-working subject adviser, Ma'am Evelyn Vera Cruz for always being one call or message away in times of need.

        As the first quarter of the school year ends, I have indeed learned a lot and I have yet more to conquer. I will continue to have a positive mindset and continue learning amid this pandemic.

Media Reference/s:

Image from The IDM (2020) Retrieved from https://www.theidm.com/blog/introducing-modular-learning

Image from Commlab India Bloggers (2016) Retrieved from https://blog.commlabindia.com/elearning-design/elearning-implementation-strategy


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