
Showing posts from December, 2020

ICT: Season 1

                  As this quarter pass, new knowledge has been acquired. I n a world driven by digital and technological innovation, gaining knowledge and skills to keep up with these rapidly developing advancements is a must. Information and Communication Technology, often times called and popularly known as ICT, is a very interesting subject in the education curriculum and crucial for the modern world. ICT has an impact on almost every aspect of our lives - from working to socializing, learning to playing. The digital age has transformed the way young people communicate, access information and learn           In ICT, there are so many topics and a lot of things we have learned about and are yet to be learned about. For instance, I have always used the internet, using social medias and surfing the web, almost everyday of my life but I never got the chance to understand the broadness and complexity of cyberspace. With the help of ICT, I learned the background and history of the interne

Nature's Revenge

                     I always remember the blue skies and clear waters, the breeze coming from tress and the lovely scenery given by blooming flowers. I remember all the nice and beautiful things that nature has bestowed upon us, humans. The environment constantly and continuously gives us countless benefits that we can't repay our entire life. There is no doubt that the environment has helped us and other living beings to flourish and grow for thousands of years. The forests and trees filter the air and absorb harmful gases. Plants purify water, reduce the chances of flood, the environment provides us enjoyment, inspiration and many more benefits that can greatly improve the quality of life.           Now, those nice and beautiful things that once filled the Earth, gone. The blue skies turned into thick clouds of smoke. The cool breeze turned into suffocating heat. The forests, once lush and green, bustling with all types of life, reduced to burned land and ashes. Due to our carel