The Duterte Regime

September 9, 2020

Dear President,

As a concerned youth and citizen of the Philippines, I am writing to address the difficulties and struggles that our nation is experiencing due to the current crisis and to apprise and condemn the missteps and errors occurred amid the global pandemic under your jurisdiction. 

As the COVID-19 pandemic started to invade our country, we had high hopes that you would be on top of everything and that you would respond to this situation immediately and efficiently, but sadly, you did not. You did not prioritize the current crisis nor the lives of your people. Instead, you prioritized to silence the dissent of your countrymen by implementing the Anti-Terrorism Bill, the shutdown of ABS-CBN that affected the livelihood of 11,000 Filipino families and the white sand project in Manila Bay that claims to help Filipinos’ mental health. These actions are not necessarily needed in the midst of a pandemic. We, Filipinos never wanted militarism nor the shutdown of a mass media network nor white sand on Manila Bay nor any of the other matters that have nothing to do with addressing the global pandemic.

Consequently, the implementation and execution of such actions and laws amid the pandemic emphasizes the poor decisions and failure of the country’s political leaders, which are namely, you, Mr. President alongside with the executives and senate, to address the global health crisis. In addition, such actions and laws received tremendous amounts of critic that caused protests that manifest the dissatisfaction and frustration of many Filipinos towards the performance of your administration. This further underscores the need for the Philippines to change and to devote effort to anticipatory governance. 

All things considered, Mr. President, all I ask is for you to open your ears to the voices and cries of millions of Filipinos, to open your eyes to the harsh and cruel reality the country has become under your authority and to open your heart for change in order to fulfill your duties and obligations in a fair and democratic manner with pride, honor and dignity.

Signed by,

Pearl Therese

Multimedia Reference/s:

Image by Joey Dalumpines. Retrieved from

Image by Reuters / Eloisa Lopez. Retrieved from

Image by Reuters / TPG Images. Retrieved from


  1. The world would be a better place if more people are like you!

  2. Hi Pearl! I love the way you captured the seldom unheard sentiments of the oppressed. Some individuals who have superior privilege can not fathom the hardships others are facing due to the level of hierarchy they are in. It is up to us to remind them that we are entitled to a better administration and that Filipinos who are victims of the unjust system are worth the cause.

  3. It is true that our President has made terrible decisions and actions these few months. He must really hear the voice of his people and not to rush in making decisions for our country.

  4. I commend the way on how you bravely discussed the issues we are currently facing right now. And for that I strongly agree with your perception.

  5. Truly, we are feeling disappointment in the actions our county's leader because of our high expectations. I hope that, if ever the President is come across to this letter, the situations are to be addressed accordingly for the well being of everyone. Hopefully are voices shall be heard for the betterment of our country. I like how you expressed your thoughts and knowledge delineated about the issues we are facing right now. Kudos, Pearl!

  6. Hello Pearl! Your thoughts towards our President is indeed true and I highly agree with that! Hoping for his better way of his leadership! Impressive work!

  7. Good day Pearl, I admire how you expressed your feelings and emotions towards the government. They really need to improve and focus more on serving the people rather than doing unnecessary tasks. Great Job!


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