
Showing posts from October, 2020

The Duterte Regime

September 9, 2020 Dear President, As a concerned youth and citizen of the Philippines, I am writing to address the difficulties and struggles that our nation is experiencing due to the current crisis and to apprise and condemn the missteps and errors occurred amid the global pandemic under your jurisdiction.   As the COVID-19 pandemic started to invade our country, we had high hopes that you would be on top of everything and that you would respond to this situation immediately and efficiently, but sadly, you did not. You did not prioritize the current crisis nor the lives of your people. Instead, you prioritized to silence the dissent of your countrymen by implementing the Anti-Terrorism Bill, the shutdown of ABS-CBN that affected the livelihood of 11,000 Filipino families and the white sand project in Manila Bay that claims to help Filipinos’ mental health.  These actions are not necessarily needed in the midst of a pandemic.  We, Filipinos never wanted militarism nor the shutdo

Awaiting for Full Bloom

                 We live in a world where every single person is unique. We all have something about us that is different. All of us have our own story to tell; a story of who we are and who we want to be, and this is the beginning of my story… I am like a rose with thorns. Once just a little seed, a little baby; innocent and pure. That grew and became a sapling, a child full of energy and enthusiasm. And now, a rosebud, thriving to become a full bloom flower. I am classic and versatile, I can standout but I can also easily fit in and work well with others. I always strive for the best and take comfort in tradition. I may have a tough and fierce façade yet I am extremely caring and passionate. I can defend myself whenever people pick on me and want to take me down. My thorns signify my dark side and sometimes my prickly attitude. Nonetheless, this is my shield and protection. Therefore, I should be handled with utmost care and respect. Just like a rose, I also need love, care and